Courtesy of the Herald Sun
Although not our usual genre of news, this story was just too good to pass up and we just had to share. Amongst a bustling crowd of tourists in Monte Carlo today, a woman managed to cause a car crash entangling a small handful of some of the most expensive cars on the road. Quite appropriately editor Ruud Poot of Autogespot has been quoted saying 'You probably couldn't find a worse place in the world to crash your car than outside Monaco's Place du Casino in the middle of the summer.' With summer being the height of the travel and tourism season, it's true. The woman could not have chosen a more conspicuous place to cause a high-caliber fiasco than the Place du Casino. Cameras were readily at hand as visitors to the famed area snapped photos wildly to capture the undoubtedly embarrassing and fairly ridiculous scenario, causing the debacle to be broadcast around the world. >

Vehicles involved included the agent provocateur's own Bentley Azure, valued at and estimated at $400,000, an Aston Martin Rapide and Ferrari F430 both valued at $230,00, a Porsche 911 whose estimated worth hovers around $130,000 and finally a Mercedes S Class that would cost you a cool $120,000. All said and told the total appraisal of the cars mixed up in this mess totaled to $1,110,000. According to reports however, the estimated cost for repairs pales in comparison at a trivial $160,000.
It's the kind of thing that happens every day. Fender benders, small collisions and the like that leave us wishing we could turn back time just five minutes and do things differently - we bet the young woman that caused this mishap certainly wished as much. The next time you get into one of these situations, just remember the unfortunate individual who managed to cause an accident, in the heart of Monaco, amongst throngs of curious eyes, involving over a million dollars worth of cars. Then you'll feel a bit better.