
CHANEL's Active Line Lets You Surf and Cycle in Style

Photo Courtesy of CHANEL
CHANEL may be most known for their designer clothing and fragrances, but they've also made their mark on accessories for sports and leisurely activities. While it's not uncommon for fashion brands to put their name on the world of sports accessories, it's rare that they cover such a wide breadth of pastimes.

The sophisticated items from CHANEL, from surf boards and skis to bocce sets and fishing poles, allow you to have fun while one of the world's most luxurious brands represents you. While this may not be breaking news, it's still pretty cool and worth checking out.
When it comes to surfing, the board makes the biggest statement, which is why CHANEL has four different styles to choose from. The monochrome carbon fiber board is a sleek black, while the polyurethane and fiberglass board is a statement-making red (with a really neat graph pattern that transitions across the surface). There's also a bi-color polyurethane surf board in white and black, and another that features three fins.

If you ever spend sunny days at a country house, CHANEL has a nice wooden croquet set that would be a lot of fun with a group. It comes in an aged calfskin case with a really pretty red interior, so you probably shouldn't leave it out on the lawn while playing. There's also a limited edition (and numbered) carbon-and-rosewood fishing rod and reel, which is handmade and sits inside a quilted calfskin case of its own.
Not to leave the cyclists out, CHANEL's aluminum and hand-assembled bicycle has a quilted calfskin (we're sensing a trend) seat and three attached bags. There's even a make-up case just in case ladies have to touch up their lipstick and eyeliner.

Other accessories include skis and poles, equestrian riding crops and helmets, footballs, snowboards, tennis racquets, and boomerangs.

CHANEL doesn't list any prices on their site, suggesting that if interested, you should contact the closest boutique.

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For more luxury bikes visit: Our 5 Picks for Best Luxury Bicycles

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