
Milan Design Week Faves: Spotlight on Geometric Furnishings

The 52nd edition of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile (otherwise known as Milan Design Week) took place April 9 to 14, seeing more than 2,500 exhibitors, each with collections of various products and home designs vying for the most attention. From furniture to light sources, there is a lot to wade through, sending many people hunting for the best of the best. Well, to answer that query, here are some of our favorite stand-out designs we would love to have in our own homes.

Mila Pantovich

An avid traveler, Mila Pantovich lives in the UK with her husband and cat. She has been working with JustLuxe as a writer and editor since 2012 and has been featured in several publications. Follow her travels on Instagram: @MilaPantovich ...(Read More)

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