
Here is How Korean Artist JeeYoung Lee Actually Makes Her Dreams Come True

Opiom Gallery, JeeYoung Lee

LoveSeek, 2014; Photo Credits: Opiom Gallery

We discovered artist JeeYoung Lee back in December 2013 and fell in love with the landscapes she creates in her tiny studio in Seoul, Korea. Without relying on Photoshop, she manages to make her creative vision into a reality, using her scenes to explore famous folk tales, issues related to her sense of identity, and perhaps the coolest of all, her dreams. Many of her sets are pulled straight from her unconscious mind, making us all wish we had the artistic talent to make our dreamscapes a reality. With two upcoming Stage of Mind exhibitions (one in Belfast and the other in Bogota, Columbia), we wanted to catch up on her new pieces, as well as revisit some older ones we missed the last time. 

If you're interested in buying any of these as a print, you can contact Opiom Gallery for price details. 

Opiom Gallery, JeeYoung Lee
The Moment, 2014
Opiom Gallery, JeeYoung Lee
Birthday, 2009
Opiom Gallery, JeeYoung Lee
My Chemical Romance, 2013
Opiom Gallery, JeeYoung Lee
Anxiety (diptyque/diptych), 2013
Opiom Gallery, JeeYoung Lee
Reaching for the Stars, 2009
Opiom Gallery, JeeYoung Lee
Broken Heart
Opiom Gallery, JeeYoung Lee
Opiom Gallery, JeeYoung Lee
Neverending Race, 2008
Opiom Gallery, JeeYoung Lee
Gamer, 2011
Opiom Gallery, JeeYoung Lee
Flu, 2008
Opiom Gallery, JeeYoung Lee
The Best Cure, 2007

Mila Pantovich

An avid traveler, Mila Pantovich lives in the UK with her husband and cat. She has been working with JustLuxe as a writer and editor since 2012 and has been featured in several publications. Follow her travels on Instagram: @MilaPantovich ...(Read More)

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