
Akoya Amphibious Sports Plane by LISA Airplanes Launches in Mid-2012

Photo Courtesy of LISA Airplanes
The plain truth about LISA Airplanes? Akoya is that it is a completely equipped, high-end airplane whose potential for adventure is unlimited. The France-based aviation company has a light amphibious sports plane that can takeoff and touch down while requiring only 650 feet of space to do so.

It is equally efficient at this task on a snow-covered runway and on water. Powered by a 100-horsepower Rotax engine, which is about 93 more horsepower than my lawnmower, this two-seat aircraft travels up to 680 miles on 18.5 gallons of unleaded fuel at a maximum cruising speed of 130 mph. 

"In addition to its design, which immediately captivated me, the Akoya is a very pleasant airplane to pilot," said Gérald Ducoin, a professional EPNER test pilot. "The sea foils are truly revolutionary and offer both fast lift-off and stability. They also considerably simplify landing maneuvers and taking off from water; In spite of its impressive technical capabilities." EPNER is a French test pilot school located at the Instres le Tube Airbase. Pilot Ducoin further stated that the Akoya is a very accessible aircraft that will fully satisfy its future buyers.

"Offering more than just another new plane on the market, LISA Airplanes brings a further dimension to light aviation by developing the concept of recreational flying, where going from Point A to Point B becomes both simpler and faster, making it a real pleasure once again," explains Erick Herzberger, president and co-founder of LISA Airplanes.

The light amphibious sports plane features pivoting wings that make storing and transporting it very convenient. A company spokesperson advised that it anticipates a delivery date to first customers by mid-2012. The base price of an Akoya is around $410,000, or €300,000. For more information, visit


James Rothaar

James has written content for and other leading online luxury lifestyle magazines. Rothaar previously served as the senior-tenured staff writer for JustLuxe, having worked with the digital magazine since 2005. He resides in Jacksonville, Florida, and works as an independent marketing consultant and freelance writer and copywriter. He is the co-owner of Wild Owl Digital, a boutique mar...(Read More)