- 2010 SpaFinder Readers' Choice Award Best for Weight Loss
- MSNBC made it "one of the top 10 fitness vacations in the world"
- Health Magazine choose it as "one of four great weight loss spas" in 2008
- Shape Magazine titled it "one of the eight best weight loss spas" in 2006
The spa offers various getaway options including a 2-4 day mini-getaway, a 5-10 day Jump Start Program and the 11-day or longer Weight Loss Retreat.
Sense Spa at CordeValle, a Rosewood Resort located in the scenic foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains, offers an array of local treatments to get rid of the stress of the holidays, including the CordeValle Signature Body Therapy: Grape Seed & Cherry Bark Scrub, Rain Room Rejuvenation and Grape Seed & Rosehip Mud Wrap.
If you need to relax and don't have time to get away, LaBelle Day Spas & Salons in Palo Alto are offering special treatments inspired by the holidays. LaBelle Pumpkin Shea Butter & Vanilla Mani/Pedi is a lot healthier than pumpkin pie, and features a fragrant pumpkin soak, an almost edible exfoliating sugar scrub, finished with a warm paraffin massage and nail buff with polish. If you were hoping for something silky in your stocking, try LaBelle's Holiday Silk Facial, with protein induced cocoon silk.