
The Sportsman: Michelin Star Eatery is a Pub

Destination Restaurant: You don't have to head to a big city to find a restaurant worthy of a Michelin Star. In fact, some of the most delectable dishes around can be found simply by venturing off the beaten path. The homepage of the Web site for the Sportsman restaurant is by far one of the more eclectic we have found recently. However, it is the food that keeps loyal patrons returning and newcomers curious to experience this well-preserved pub/restaurant located on the scenic seawall in Kent near Whitstable. On your next trip to London skip all the stuffy restaurants and be sure to visit The Sportsman.

The Sportsman received its first Michelin Star in 2008 for its innovative menu offerings. The eatery is steadfastly dedicated to preserving its pedigree as a real pub, as there are no frilly linen-table cloths and beer on tap is the drink of the house. There is a wine collection, but most selections are less than £20.

Indigenous resources are relied upon heavily at the Sportsman. Owner Stephen Harris makes elderberry sorbet from tress in his garden, and the savory Serrano-style hams served up are direct from animals raised on his farm. Daily there is a tasting menu and choices of the day, which are written on a chalkboard. The tasting menu consists of smaller portions of the restaurant's offerings.

The focus is so much on the food that the restaurant's Web site unabashedly states that reviewers often described the establishment as being "remote," "bleak," and "a bit of a dump." Let every dish flavorfully speak for itself!

For LxM James Rothaar

James Rothaar

James has written content for and other leading online luxury lifestyle magazines. Rothaar previously served as the senior-tenured staff writer for JustLuxe, having worked with the digital magazine since 2005. He resides in Jacksonville, Florida, and works as an independent marketing consultant and freelance writer and copywriter. He is the co-owner of Wild Owl Digital, a boutique mar...(Read More)