All hail fashion Kaiser Karl Lagerfeld: designer, photographer and now—newspaper sartorialist? Lagerfeld has just announced that he will be releasing his own newspaper, The Karl Daily, a broadsheet that will go into circulation in Europe and Asia starting later this month. As he’s often under fire for some of his more, colorful comments, we’re actually pretty excited to see what he’ll come up with given an entire publication. But don’t expect to be able to read Lagerfeld’s brilliant quips on your iPhone 6, since he’s not a fan of social media; the entire thing will be done—on paper. “I’m a paper freak,” he told WWD. “I think it’s fun, it’s modern, it’s not pretentious. It’s like a private joke.” Private joke indeed. While we’re not keen on the idea of having to track down an actual paper version of what is soon to be the hottest publication in fashion, we’re sure a few of his new quotes will soon be sprinkled all over the internet.
Aside from being promotional material for his namesake brand, Lagerfeld has a passion for the written word that goes beyond editorial coverage of his latest runway shows. “If I had more hours, I would read more. Somebody in the 18th century once said, “I’m reading because I don’t want to think.” That’s not true. I read because I like to read, not because I don’t want to think,” he explained. “I like newspapers. Maybe the iPad is very modern and everything, and I’m not against it, but I like the physical contact. And the physical contact of metal and glass is not as sensuous as paper.” Well, we doubt that The Karl Daily will be as sexy as all that, but we’re looking forward to reading it nonetheless.