
Kate Upton Stars in Vogue Germany Short Film

Photo Courtesy of Bruce Weber
Kate Upton's done it again: the 20-year old swimsuit-turned-high-fashion model is continuing her successful streak in luxury fashion, having just appeared in a short film for Vogue Germany. "It Had to Be You" was shot by Bruce Weber, who was sought out as creative director for Vogue Germany's 84-page January issue, titled "Sex & Sensibility." Judging by the video, Upton was the right girl for the job.

Nicolle Keogh

Nicolle graduated from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX in 2011 with degrees in Journalism and French. Originally from the East Coast, she is a recent San Diego transplant who is trying to take advantage of all that this sunny city has to offer. She was a contributor to her campus newspapers at SMU and was previously the Editor of San Diego-based start-up DailyCrowdsource....(Read More)