
Transform Your Bathroom into a Luxury Retreat


Aren’t bathrooms with hot tubs always reminding you of a luxury hotel room? And there is no doubt that when you add a tub to your bathroom, it becomes more appealing.

If you want to get your bathroom a luxurious look, it is a better idea to purchase a tub. Let us know about these luxurious soakers and their installation processes.

A hot tub is any tub with heated water features, jets or air bubbles, designed for a deep immersion. You can find out different types of spa tubs out there on the market. There are square, round, rectangular and oval shaped spa tubs. There are tubs without stands, corners tubs and tubs for two or more users. There are endless options and styles when it comes to a spa tub.


It is not a good idea to make a buy without sitting in a tub. If you have a plan to share the tub with your partner, it is crucial for both of you to slip into this together. Prefer to wear comfortable clothing and shoes, so that you can take them off easily while checking with a tub. Slip into every hot tub you consider. You can understand its functionality better only when you sit in it.

Types of spa tubs

Drop-in spa tub:

There is a drop-in model of a spa tub that fits into a custom surround.

 Be it freestanding or drop-in tubs, both of them bring a few installation challenges.

Most hot tubs are equipped with a heating pump, water pump, or an air system. Before you install it, you need to make sure that these systems are working properly. Lastly, check if there are leaks or your spa jets are working in a proper order after the installation.

Suggestion: Drop-in tubs offer enough space beneath to place things such as heater and pump. Whereas freestanding tubs are concerned, they do have this space beneath and you have to place those things elsewhere.

A surround supports the tub as well. You need to build a base to ensure everything works and accommodates correctly before you install drop-in tub and surround.

Freestanding tub:

When it comes to installing a freestanding spa tub, you need anti-tipping brackets. These brackets are important for the installation to refrain it from tipping over with extra weight. The brackets need to be installed with large bolts and screws on the finished floor, therefore; you need to find the right location.

Suggestion: Before you get the brackets installed, you should talk to your builder and a plumber.

Oversized tub:

What you think about an over-sized spa tub? If your bathroom is big enough, you can prefer it. However, it will be better to sit in a tub before you buy it.

Plan a layout so that you can look into your bathroom or out a window, instead of looking at just a blank wall.

Suggestion: If you have a small water tank, it is not wise to opt for massive spa tub. Well, if you are to replace the water tank, you can buy one.

A spa tub installation is not all about the tub and the filler. There is much more to this. The blower, pump, LED generator and so on are all necessary items for a spa tub. You need to consider how you will access these items while planning your design. Keep in mind some control units must be close to the tub.

You need to consider all these while installing your spa tub.

Well, your bathroom cannot receive that look and feel until you get necessary hot tub add-ons for your spa tub.

Spa accessories:

Sipping drinks while immersing in a spa is a great experience and spa caddy tray is just the right accessory that allows you to keep your drinks on it and enjoy it for long hours.

Towel warmers also make a great accessory for a great spa experience. A warmed-up towel vaporizes the cold air ad keep your body warm after you get out of the water. Place this warmer right in the front of your tub.

Handrails are an important add-on for safety. Besides, you can find out many more accessories for your spa. Get them and transform your spa into a great retreat.  

Emily Smith is a lifestyle product analyst who is also into personal care treatment. She has been contributing useful articles on hot tub accessories for her set of readers. She takes inspirations from Polar Spas Store while shopping around for spas accessories and home fittings.


Emily Smith is a chemical analyst and a part-time freelance writer. Currently she is experimenting on hot tub chemicals and spa chemicals for her thesis work. She also loves writing on a wide variety of topics related to hot tubs and spa supplies. ...(Read More)