
How to Survive a Hot Summer


Each and every year, we are faced with higher and higher temperatures, and this summer was no different. While this might be perfect for those who are planning on visiting some tropical destination where they can enjoy a relaxing swim or two, the rest of us will have to make do in our hot offices and buildings. We can argue whether or not all of this is a part of the whole global warming thing, but the fact is that it is becoming quite difficult to survive these heat waves.

1. Water is your friend

This is the most important thing you should know, and any doctor will be more than willing to tell you that. In a perfect world, an average person will drink two liters of water every day, or any other liquids combined, and that water is used by the body in order to function properly and to regulate body temperature. During hot summers, your body will be sweating more than normally, and you will have to keep up with your intake of water in order not to feel sick. Naturally, we are talking about liquids, not only water, but let’s be honest; some of them are better than the others. While fizzy drinks are full of sugar, which can give you an extra boost during a hot summer day, and they taste amazing, they are also full of calories which can cause you other problems. Water, on the other hand, has no calories, and it can be refreshing as always. Some doctors even suggest drinking hot liquids, like tea, because that can also cool you down, and make you feel less uncomfortable. If you are looking for an adventure, there is more than one summer cocktail that will make your day pass quicker, but don’t overdo it; alcohol is a diuretic, which means that it will make you excrete water even faster, thus making you dehydrated.

2. Air conditioned magic

If you do not plan on leaving your home, you might want to think about having an AC installed. If you don’t have one installed at work already, talk with your boss about it and see what can be done. This is a great investment which can easily increase work efficiency, since you won't have to worry about being tired and hot all the time, and it can also help you during winter periods. Not only that, but a good AC will not only heat and cool any space you place it into, but it will also filter the air, removing any allergens that might irritate you or cause you discomfort. It can also control the levels of air humidity which can prevent mold from appearing inside your home. When it comes to choosing the right AC for you, there is always the financial factor you have to worry about, as they can consume quiteo a lot of power and can quickly increase your electric bill. That is why you need to set it up around pleasant 20 degrees during the summer which should be enough for you to feel pleasantly cool. There are a couple of types of ACs, the split system, central AC and the version that is installed in your window, and all of them have their own advantages and unique disadvantages, so choose carefully.

3. Buy a portable swimming pool

This is an especially good idea if you have a big back-yard and nothing to put in it. Buying and setting up these modern swimming pools is extremely easy, and if you are willing, you can even think about building a real pool. This a kind of investment that will certainly increase the overall value of the property, and will give you a perfect excuse to have a pool party with your friends. Once you put it all in place, make sure that the water is warm enough before jumping in, because the last thing that you need is to get sick and spend the rest of the summer in bed. Taking a swim can also be extremely good for you as a form of exercise, but be careful and use a lot of sun-cream, as it is the safest way to avoid getting sunburns. Whatever you decide, just make sure that you enjoy each and every second of your free time, because before you know it, the summer will be over and you will be begging for another sunny day.


Ivan Dimitrijevic

Ivan Dimitrijevic has his focus on blogging as well as Social Media marketing. Among other things he had articles published that consider a wide range...(Read More)