
Get Familar With Greenland's Night Sky

Northern Lights

Visit Greenland

There is few places in this world, as fantastic as Greenland. Greenland has almost everything to offer; They have great nature, an unique culture and exciting adventures to be had.


You Can Not Help Looking Upwards

Greenland offers a very certain thing apart from the ice, snow, icebergs and cute small houses. One of the really remarkable things about Greenland is the dynamic night sky, that differs depending on which part of the year you visit the island. Greenland is so far north, that they don't experience light the same way as us in the western world; In the winter everything is dark, and in the summer everything is lights. This dramatic change in the light really affects the nature and culture of the place, but it makes an unique effect in the sky. No matter what type of year you visit, the night sky is a must-see!

What the Sky Offers in Winter

In Greenland's winter you can experience an unique wonder, which can only be seen few places in the world. The night sky is lit up by a multicolored color show, manifested by long strings of colors across the sky and as far as the eye can see. The Northern Lights, also known as Aurora Borealis, is visible from The end of September to approximately the middle of April, and it shoews a variation of colors ranging from green to red to blue, depending on the day and the weather. It is an absolutel must-see!

What the Sky Offers in Summer

In the completely opposite part of the year, instead of the Northern Lights, the Midnight Sun is visible. The Midnigt Sun shows when it is light all day and all night, when the sun simply doesn't set at the end of the day. The Midnight Sun i visible from late-April to the end of August in the most northern towns of Greenland, and from the beginning of June to the middle of July nearer the Arctic Circle. The Midnight Sun makes it possible for both Greenlanders and tourist to be outside most of the night, and it is a very special feeling to go hiking or dog-sledding in the light from the Midnight Sky. Another must-see!

If you want to read more about the night sky in Greenland, i recommend this website:

Visit Greenland

Midnight Sun


Hi, My name is Mia, and one of my hobbies are writing texts. But you can't just write texts about anything, you have to have a focus. My focus is Greenland, because it is such an exciting place with lots to see and lots to do! I hope you like me and my texts. :) ...(Read More)