Hi Guys! Last week we looked at a very ... Interesting accessory trend . Brace Yourself for what i dug up for this week :-) This is a trend that will "grow" on you ... literally :-)
Who would have thought that the ultimate "manly symbol" would leave from men's ( and some women's) upper lip to become a fashion accessory? The Mustache is everywhere! It is not uncommon to walk into stores such as Forever 21 or Hot Topic and find Mustache accessories .
This Wacky Trend was started by hipsters to "mock " conventional ideas of fashion and style. This has some how grew into a commercial Fashion Trend which i find really ironic. Anyway , when i heard about this trend i was wondering what it would "go with ". The best answer i have is ... just about anything! It's a trend that is not for the "faint of heart" , its wacky , its whimsical its just one of those trends that you either love or hate .
So do you think this trend is wacky or cool?
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